Sunday, July 11, 2010

Carrot & Courgette Spaghetti

I have loads of different gadgets in my drawers, collected over the years and used regularly.  One of my favourites came from my favourite place - Lakeland and it's a julienne peeler made by Cuispro.

I use it to julienne veggies for salads - it's great for coleslaw or carrot salad.  One of my favourite recipes using this peeler is a carrot & courgette (zucchini to you lot across the pond) "spaghetti", so called because the strands of veg look like pasta.  It's amazingly simple to make and looks very impressive on the plate.  I dress mine with some butter, pepper, garlic & lime juice, but you can use whatever you like...

Tonight, we had this with some Salmon with Sweet Chili Dressing from The Saucy Fish Co. - it was delicious with just the right amount of heat from the chili.  It also cooks in a sealed foil bag in the oven, so no stinky fish smells permeated the kitchen to annoy The Hubs.  There also may have been some Potato Croquettes from Marks & Spencer... little nuggets of mashed potato heaven!

Carrot and Courgette Spaghetti

2 Carrots, washed & scrubbed
2 Courgettes, washed
1 knob of Butter
1 clove of Garlic, crushed
1 tbsp Lime Juice
Salt & Pepper

If you're lucky enough to have a steamer, cook the veggies in this.  I don't, so I resort to the old "colander & pot with a lid" method.

Peel the carrots and courgettes into long strips and ruffle with your fingers to separate the strands.

Steam for 3-4 minutes until the carrots are just tender.

Empty the pot of water and add the butter, garlic, lime juice and seasoning.  Stir until the butter has melted, add the vegetables and turn to make sure the dressing has coated them well.

Serve immediately.